Tools of the Trade

No matter what stage your nonprofit is in, there are tools that can save you dozens of hours in sweat equity and thousands of dollars in precious revenue that most of us have learned through trial and error.

The trick is knowing the right ones to use at the right stage so that you maximize your time and money.

I practice what I preach. Diversifying revenue streams is smart business. Passive income is the key to long-term sustainability for any business.

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  • Stage One: Thinking About Starting a Nonprofit

    You’re thinking about starting a nonprofit, but haven’t filed any paperwork. You’re passionate about a cause, and believe it would make an impact—but aren’t sure how, or if you should start a nonprofit.

  • Stage Two: The Set Up Phase

    You have your 501 (c)(3) nonprofit status and are just starting out. You have an idea of what programs you want to deliver but don’t really have an infrastructure, track record, or idea of what you should focus on first.

  • Stage Three: Ready to Scale

    In this stage of development, your main focus is on growing your organization. You can demonstrate impact, have a strong infrastructure, governing board, and are competitive with other organizations delivering similar programs.

  • Stage Four: Ready to Automate

    In this stage of development, your main focus is on increasing capacity, diversifying income, reducing costs and engaging stakeholders by automating systems.